Welcome to the Braid Technologies sandbox.

Braid weaves AI into business.

Tell me more

Braid - weaving AI into business.

AI Natives.

Braid Technologies powers up AI teams to accelerate delivery and generate business growth. We build AI-native technologists, equipping them to create value on the most impactful AI initiatives. We upskill and organise entry-level and experienced professionals to deliver through immersion in a world class blend of AI technologies, industry knowledge, and AI ways of working. Contact us for more information.

Real World Applications.

Our first technology demonstrator is @Boxer - an AI co-pilot, connected to a database of fundamental AI training material, running in a shared workspace. Anyone in the workspace can ask @Braid a question, and over time @Braid can suggest tailored and useful content for the team. @Braid is built on secure Microsoft Azure, GPT-4, Fluid, & Fluent UI technology.